Saturday, April 7, 2012

Funny Stuff

So last weekend was General Conference, I love General Conference! Twice a year we have the opportunity to hear from the prophet of our Church and the other Church leaders. It is an awesome weekend of uplifting inspiration. I always come away from the weekend feeling empowered to make the changes that I need to in my life. 

Dieter F. Uchtdorf gave an amazing talk Sunday Morning. You can read it here:

One of the points President Uchtdorf made a point that we need to stop judging others, he said:

"This topic of judging others could actually be taught in a two-word sermon. When it comes to hating, gossiping, ignoring, ridiculing, holding grudges, or wanting to cause harm, please apply the following:

Stop it!"

He is totally right, we do each other and ourselves a disservice when we are focusing on these negative, things. I loved this talk!

Within 24 hours someone on Facebook had created this little gem. I think it is hilarious. This is a picture of Spencer W. Kimball, Dieter f. Uchtdorf, and J. Golden Kimball (all Church leaders) and it has phrases that they are known for. J. Golden was amazing and is a great man, but he is also known for his language. 

This makes me laugh every time I see it!

I also think it could you know explain the process...

Do it: Do-act, try and move forward and progress.
Stop it: Stop gossiping/judging/etc.
Damn it: What I say when I am not so successful at the other two things. 


Thank you Facebook!


  1. Hey friend - the blue font you used for Pres Uchtdorf's quote doesn't show up against the brown background.

    (But when I highlighted it, then I could read it!)

  2. Thanks Robin, I had no idea the font looked the same color to me and I never previewed the post. Thanks for the head's up. It should be fixed now.
